YOYO...nice name..easy to remember.. 20 years old...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


别误会哦...其实是今天有个blood donation duty....但是那里的"生意"不好...才160包血而已....之前那次要到300包....因为这次的地点不好...!!!!!

今天我学校派出了10 person来这个捐血活动...(包括我)...这是我第二次参加blood donation...第一次也是在shopping center..(cs)...因为上次我们是负责登记所以我对捐血活动的一切还不是很了解...(应该说是不了解)...

其实我们负责的捐血活动都不难...就是帮着nurse贴sticker在form上面和注意blood beg的满度...就是说当血要满是要通知nurse...其实blood beg有分成两种就是300ml & 450ml...大部分的donater都是donate 450ml....... 其实我也不知道为什么大部分的人都是捐450ml...maybe是他们有太多血吧....haha...

其实今天在blood donation时我已经打算今晚回家要写blog了...不然又有人说我的blog一直都没update...本来今天我已经打算把我们捐血活动的整个 活动拍下来然后放在blog让你们欣赏的...but等到要回时才记得...所以我只拍了一张而已...而且还是向朋友借手机拍的...没办法谁叫我的手 机的相机太差了..

哈哈....今天真的很累...站着duty一整天...(blood donation at leisure mall)...其实是昨天打game到三点多...今天早上七点多有起来了....才睡四个多小时....最近这几天我都是很迟才睡....很迟才起....因为是school holiday嘛....哈哈....你们是不是很羡慕叻...(尤其是在mmu读那个=.=)...

明天我早上还要去desaru(a beach at jb)游玩所以我今天就写到这里而已...改天再写...而且今天很累了...thanks for all of you support...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My cLaSsmAtE ...6RA...

>>.hi....this photo we take at the last school day 2008,,(2 days ago)before we go back from school...

>>.although 1 month not see all of u..but i hope all of you have a happy&enjoyable holiday...

>>.wish all of you can use this holiday to do revision..especially the most "easy" subject "physic'"...Ok..=.=

Friday, November 14, 2008

The LaSt sChOol dAy In 2o08...

i need to say happy holiday to all my friends...(especially form 6 students)...yesterday is the last school day for us..(6RA)....

actually yesterday we go to school for "gambling"..haha..i won RM3 only...never mine la...we were played for wasting time....

After finished school,we went to CS(shopping centre) for watching movie....(madagascar 2)...all of us go to watch that movie...(more than 20 persons)...we were sat 2 orders of the seats... i like this movie very much because this is a laughty and joyful movie.....i had a nap(about 5 min) during the watchiing movie.. if anyone haven watch this movie...i will recommended you to watch this movie...actually we want to watch the second movie(james bond 007)...(but i have download 007 today,i will watch later..haha..)...but half of my friends need to go back to tuition...so...left me&and few of my friends..

Then we went to join the AIDS exhibition in CS..i really feel grieved to all the AIDS sufferer..some of them really dunnot what is AIDs but unfortunately they were infected by their parents..i cant do anything to them...i hope all the AIDS sufferers need to patient,happily & dont look down upon theirselves....everyone is the useful to society even country... haha...

Althought i came back to home tired about 7pm ..but yesterday was one of the happiness day in my life....we will seldom to meet each other 2 months(long time!!!)....miss all of my classmates....6RA is the best...6RA bring lot of happiness to me....and make me to more open mind...(our class have lot of "special" people,....like XXX,xxx&XXX... haha...) hope next year our school dont separate our class into 2 classes...(because our class have too many students..quite tough to doing experiments..)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008






但是当我开始和他接触时,我才发现原来我们的距离是那么的远....而且我真的不知道到底我心里在想什么.....(虽然明天要考physic ,chemistry,math但我心里却想着她)(难道她在我心里真的这


可能明天就是我今年最后一天见到她..(明天就是今年最后一天上学了) 学校放假来临了...我真的不知道该不该放弃她...在我心中她真的是一个很好很棒的女生....而且我不想像以前那样喜欢一个人几年....好痛苦.....而且明年我们都要考STPM....对我们来说是个转折点...我不想为了我和她的事而再烦....


Sunday, November 2, 2008



A BuSy sUnDay....

today is a day fully with activity.i was sleep at 5am because doing my computer things while i was woke up about 9am.whole day i was sleep 4 hours only.Today afternoon , i went to learn dance while my teacher,tomato was absent because he went to kl.On the other hand, my other friends like ah zai & jun khai teach us some steps.{easy steps ,haha}Today our studio had the new "girl popping" class that had almost 7 girls learn popping.Lot of friends were very surprise because popping class seldom had girls to learn popping.{Actually my popping class have 4 girls to learn popping}.After finished our popping class,we stayed at studio to watch "YUGIOH 1". We watched the final that were Yugioh vs Bersh. Today 6pm, my physic teacher had the housewarming at his new tuition centre at mutiara rini. I & my SSI friends went there for supported him .{Actually i can eat the "free meal"& singing with a group "singers" } We went back 9pm when this party was closing.When arrived home then i write this blog.I need to do the revision because tommorow has the Pengajian Am{PA2} final exam. GooD night ....(_++__++_-)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Introduce myself...

wElc0mE eVeRyone....
My N@mE iS y0ke yEw..{loT oF my friEnDs caLlEd me YoYo bec@use Easy To reMemBer. Actu@lLy yOyO is mORe eAsy to rEmemBer.. }
18 yE@ars oLd thIs yEar..{BeiJInG Olmpic GaMeS 2008.ConGratuLaTion ChiNa is ThE ChaMpiOn in thIS olMpiC }
sTuDy form 6(high school) @t EC{enGlish coLlege} Jb, Mal@YsIa.{ A bOy sChoOl At Jb..THat is oNe oF tHe oLdeSt sEcoNdaRy sCh0ol At m@laYsIa}

ThiS iS My nEw bLog...
HoPe EverYonE cAn sUpPoRt Me & GivE s0Me c0mMeNt To mE...