YOYO...nice name..easy to remember.. 20 years old...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Introduce myself...

wElc0mE eVeRyone....
My N@mE iS y0ke yEw..{loT oF my friEnDs caLlEd me YoYo bec@use Easy To reMemBer. Actu@lLy yOyO is mORe eAsy to rEmemBer.. }
18 yE@ars oLd thIs yEar..{BeiJInG Olmpic GaMeS 2008.ConGratuLaTion ChiNa is ThE ChaMpiOn in thIS olMpiC }
sTuDy form 6(high school) @t EC{enGlish coLlege} Jb, Mal@YsIa.{ A bOy sChoOl At Jb..THat is oNe oF tHe oLdeSt sEcoNdaRy sCh0ol At m@laYsIa}

ThiS iS My nEw bLog...
HoPe EverYonE cAn sUpPoRt Me & GivE s0Me c0mMeNt To mE...

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