i like my physic tuition teacher...
let me intro him to all of u...
he is a guy about 25 year old...
erm...quite leng zai ...
my class princesses like him veli much...
actually i like his teaching method...
don fell boring at that subject..
he always give us free extra class .. is tutorial class la..
actually jz discussing the past year question..
i think these past year question is useful for all of us..
1st time i feel physic is interesting subject..
like that subject veli much...
can learn lot of things especially related with our life...
for example FAN...majority fan using D.C to function ...
cannot using A.C to function...haha..u duno why leh...
erm...such as piston in the car using the physic concert to function too...
that is using adiabatic process..can't using isothermal process..
today he show us a physic reference book "university physic"..
that is a university lever book...have more than 1000 pages...
publish by US reputable university..forgot which University...
he told us that book bought around RM80...cant imaging a book thick like that bought with RM 80 only...
if u want to know deeply...pls leave comment to me...haha...
p/s : my teacher pic & that book pic will upload later..
p/s : feel sorry to some of you particularly who dont take physic subject..